Before you even start using Expression Web, you should read Prerequisites for Using Microsoft Expression Web by Microsoft. Expression Web is NOT a WYSIWYG editor.
Expression Web 4.0 SP2a is now free.
BEFORE you start using Expression Web you need a basic understanding of writing HTML code and using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). The tutorials at W3schools are a good starting point.
Once you have installed your copy of Expression Web, you will need to setup the program to give you the best user experience. Head over to Tina Clarke's site and download your FREE Setting Up Expression Web EBook. There is one available for each version of Expression Web.
You HAVE set up your new Expression Web program and taken the time to learn some basic html and css? You did not skip that part did you? Now it is time to learn how to use the program.
I highly recommend you watch Cheryl Wise's four part video series on Getting Started with a Basic Website. You can stop and rewind as you go along.
The tutorial uses version 1/2 of Expression Web and there are a few interface changes in version 3 and 4 of the program. Site functions in versions 1 and 2 were under the FIle menu (File > New > Site) and have been moved in version 3 and 4 to the Site menu (Site > New Site) and that should get you enough up to speed to be able to work on your existing site.
Don't forget to download the assets zip file so you can follow along.
Next, work in Split View.
Screenshot This way you can see both the HTML coding (Code View) and the WYSIWYG
editor (Design View).
that you have installed and setup Expression Web, and taken some time to learn how
to use the program, it is time to begin creating your website. You may choose to:
You might also like to download the FREE Free Expression Web 4 Tutorials EBook 2nd Edition from Install to Publish and More. in pdf format that will take you through the entire process of creating and publishing your website. The pdf EBook has been zipped for faster download.
If you are migrating from FrontPage to Expression Web, you might find this tutorial helpful Migrating from FrontPage to Expression Web.
Now that you have created your site, you will need to publish it to your server. You can follow Publishing Your Web Site with Expression Web. If you are using an earlier version of Expression Web, you can follow Publishing Your Web Site with Expression Web 1 or 2.
If you have questions on using Expression Web, you can join any of the following mailing lists or forums.
Updated September
Expression Web 4.0 Tutorials 2nd Edition from Install to Publish, a FREE EBook by Pat Geary.
Expression Web has a group on Facebook. If you are a FB user, come join us.
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April 2007 - April 2013
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